Tag med på inspirationstur

– og mød vores egyptiske it-udviklere

Oplev det selv

Find ud af, om Cairo
er noget for jer

Lad os vise jer, hvordan I kan få jeres eget dedikerede udviklingsteam hos CrossWorkers i Cairo. Tilmeld jer vores inspirationstur, så I kan opleve vores set-up og møde nogle af vores it-udviklere, som arbejder for vores andre danske kunder. Med andre ord: Kom og bliv inspireret til nye samarbejdsmuligheder.



Let’s show you how to get your own dedicated development team at CrossWorkers in Cairo. Sign up for our inspiration trip so you can experience our set-up, and meet some of our IT developers who work for our other European customers. In other words, come and be inspired for new collaborative opportunities.

Bliv inspireret

Få værdifuldt input til jeres beslutning



Our inspiration trips are organized to minimize interruption of your working days. We fly from European cities on Saturdays, and are home again on Mondays. See the program below.


Our inspiration trips are for decision makers in companies who are considering, or have decided to launch an external IT development team. Hans Henrik Groth, leader and founder of CrossWorkers, and the customer manager responsible for your country will participate in the tour.


By visiting our Cairo office, you get an experience of the dedicated and positive atmosphere, and an insight into how we daily help motivate all our IT staff, while hard working for our European customers. At the same time, you will be able to meet some of our IT developers and ask them all questions about their qualifications, experiences, opinions and viewpoints. The trip is organized so that you will travel with other decision makers who are considering outsourcing, so you can hear about their experiences, and discuss with like-minded people what you think about Cairo as an offshore destination.



Her kan du se det generelle program for inspirationsturen til Cairo.
Tilmelding foregår ved at trykke på EVENT DETAIL ud for en af de angivne datoer



kl. 14 : 45

Afgang med EgyptAir til Cairo


kl. 20.10

Ankomst i Cairo, Egypten


kl. 21.00

Ankomst på Hotel Marriott Mirage, Cairo


kl. 22.00

Et let måltid på hotellet



kl. 09.00

Præsentation og rundvisning på kontoret


kl. 10.00

Præsentation af CrossWorkers som koncept


kl. 11.00

Introduktion af ledende medarbejdere og CrossWorkers’ ansættelsesprocedure


kl. 11.30

Spørgsmål til relevante medarbejdere


kl. 12.00

Frokost – Luncheon in New Cairo


kl. 14.00

Rundtur i Cairo – Pyramiderne, byen og basaren


kl. 19.00

Sejltur i Feluka på Nilen


kl. 20.00




kl. 10.00

Afgang med EgyptAir til København


kl. 13.45

Ankomst til København

november 2024
No event found!

The inspiration trip is reserved for new clients at CrossWorkers.


The price includes round-trip economy class airfare and two nights at Marriott Mirage.


Since we have a limited number of seats, the ‘first come, first served’ principle applies when signing up.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on phone (+45) 7027 2040

Kunderne siger

Kulturelt åbne og kritiske

Efter at have deltaget på CrossWorkers inspirationstur til Cairo måtte jeg erkende, at jeg havde haft fordomme og en manglende viden om egyptisk kultur og forholdene i Cairo. På turen mødte jeg en del af de egyptiske udviklere og fik mulighed for at stille dem spørgsmål. Det gik hurtigt op for mig, at de er meget mere kulturelt åbne, end jeg havde forestillet mig, og at de tager medansvar for, at løsningerne, de udvikler, bliver gode.

Det var nogle superskarpe medarbejdere, som både var engagerede og havde drive. De stillede mig nogle gode spørgsmål tilbage og gav mig indtryk af, at de tænkte sig om, forholdt sig kritisk til, hvad jeg sagde og ville noget med deres arbejde og deres liv. Jeg konkluderede hurtigt, at når CrossWorkers kunne hyre sådan nogle folk til andre virksomheder, kunne de også gøre det til min.

Egil Rausner, AIR SUPPORT

After participating in CrossWorker’s inspiration trip to Cairo, I had to admit that I had prejudices and lack of knowledge about Egyptian culture and the conditions in Cairo. On my trip I met some Egyptian developers, and got the opportunity to ask them questions. It soon became clear to me that they are much more culturally competent than I imagined, and that they take joint responsibility for the solutions they develop to be good.

There were some super-skilled employees who were both engaged and had a drive. They asked me some good questions and gave me the impression that they were critical of what I said, and wanting to achieve something big in both their work and their lives. I quickly concluded that when CrossWorkers could hire such people to other companies, they could also do the same to my company.

Egil Rausner, AIR SUPPORT

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